The final Sunday market of the year and the wind is blowing but it is not deterring the visitors who have called in to say hello. We have one final Saturday Christmas market on 18th December so if you haven't bought all your Christmas presents yet then come along and grab a unique gift for your loved ones.
Last weekend was my birthday party and it was lovely to welcome all my loyal customers who have been with me from the beginning along with a few new faces. We had mulled wine and mince pies, a nice chat and it was a lovely day, despite the howling wind!! I look forward to another successful year here at the Fold and another celebration in 2021.

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I opened my studio at The Fold. The time has flown, we have had two lockdowns yet all my lovely customers have continued to visit and support me and I am proud to say it has gone really well. The Fold is a great environment for creativity and I have been really supported by my fellow creatives! To celebrate this Saturday 27th from 10am - 4pm I shall be open for you to drop in and share some mulled wine, a mince pie and other treats. There will be live music from Keith Baldwin to keep us entertained and lots of great deals in the gallery. I look forward to welcoming you all!

Finally, after waiting 18 months for a much delayed performance, I had the pleasure of seeing Dr John Cooper Clarke, The Bard of Salford at The Courtyard Theatre in Hereford last night. I haven't laughed so much in a long long time, at a poet of all things! Never having see him before, I was pleasantly surprised at the wit and intelligence and the wry observations of life he conveyed in his poetry and witty repartee.... JCC is an extraordinarily funny man and I highly recommend him for a great night out!